Home > Artworks > Maria Jose Tornero Jimenez

Photo of Maria Jose Tornero Jimenez Spain

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Chronological resume.

1956 was born on November 23 in Villarrobledo (Albacete)

1964 The family moves to Valencia.

1975 Graduated in Applied Arts (specialty advertising). School of Arts and Crafts Valencia.Obtiene second prize in the poster competition "X National Book Fair." Valencia. Awarded first prize in the "Posters of Fallas 1976." Valencia. Being the...

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See everything we offer you!
55.12 x 39.37 in
41.34 x 29.53 in
23.62 x 19.69 in
23.62 x 19.69 in
55.12 x 39.37 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
12.99 x 8.27 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
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Chronological resume.

1956 was born on November 23 in Villarrobledo (Albacete)

1964 The family moves to Valencia.

1975 Graduated in Applied Arts (specialty advertising). School of Arts and Crafts Valencia.Obtiene second prize in the poster competition "X National Book Fair." Valencia. Awarded first prize in the "Posters of Fallas 1976." Valencia. Being the first woman to receive it in this category.

1979 Attended the course "Contemporary Mural Painting" at the Monastery of San Cugat del Vallés. Barcelona.

1981 Travels to Mexico for a course on "Textiles" at the Cultural Center "The Necromancer" in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.

1977-1982 he studied Fine Arts specializing in painting, School of Fine Arts of San Carlos (Valencia). Attend courses "Pinttura" and "incision" in the Accademia di Belle "Prieto Vannuci" in Perugia (Italy).

1983 Gets the title of Bachelor of Fine Arts, after presenting the report bachelor, entitled "ATTITUDE TO MY WORK." Faculty of Fine Arts in Valencia. Approves the competitive examination to the body of professors Drawing for High School (Madrid). (BOE-6-10-83). She teaches in several centers in the country (Las Palmas de GC, Zaragoza, Murcia and Valencia).

1987 Organization and coordinates an exhibition at the Casa de la Cultura de Alhama, with local artists, entitled "Painters of Alhama, V Centenario". (Murcia).

1989 Writes the poem "Iberia SIDEREAL" and is published in the magazine n º 103 of the "Window of the Barrio" of Valencia and in the magazine n º 5 of "L 'Herbasana of the Federation of Health CC.OO. Valencia.

1991 Travels to Italy for the course "incisions" in the Studio Cammizer in Valdottavo, Luca.

1994 Designs the poster "is the teu moment. "Secretary of the Dona. CC.OO. Valencia.Recibe an Honorable Mention in the poster competition" Fira de Valencia ". Attend courses" Painting "and" serious Experimental art center "The Rectory". San Pere de Vilamajor (Barcelona).

1997 Launch of postgraduate studies for a Ph.D. in the Department of Drawing. Faculty of Fine Arts (UPV).

1998 Make the sign "March 8th" Women working day. Donate CC.OO. Secretariat (Valencia). Design the agenda of the 1999 Donate to the secretariat of the Dona de CCOO PV.

1999 Make the sign "March 8th" Women working day. Donate CC.OO. Secretariat PV.Inicia the research for the dissertation, entitled "Reflections on the life and work of Eduardo Sales."

2002 Draft graphic design book "Eduardo Sales." Half a century of painting, written by historian D. Pascual Patuel and edited by the UPV.

2005 Doctor of Fine Arts. BB.AA.Universidad Polytechnic School of Valencia.



1988 "Watercolors" - Exhibition Hall "Bethany House." Agüimes-Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

1989 "WALL ON WOOD" - House Youth Shamanna. Las Palmas Canaria.

1992 "LIFE EDUCATION, WATERCOLORS, PRINTS AND WALL." - Patio Room of the Municipal Theatre Neighborhood. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

1994 "POSTERS - WORKS ON PAPER" Taller d'Art de Puerto Sagunto, Valencia.

1996 "ON PAPER - PAINTINGS" - Exhibition at the International Centre d 'Art Contemporani "The Rectory" Sant Pere de Vilamajor-Barcelona.

1999 "nexus" - PAINTINGS - Exhibition Hall Caja Rural de Torrent. Torrent-Valencia.

2002 "PAINTINGS" - Staff Villarrobledo-Albacete City Council.

2005 "Avant" - Paint. Municipal Exhibition Hall. Gran Teatro Antonio Ferrandis. Paterna (Valencia).

2007 "ESPAIT COMPARTIT - Museum of the City Benicarlo.Castellón. 2008 "ESPAIT COMPARTIT" Espai Dart Vinarós Caixa Foundation. Castellón.

2008 "Painting" Circulo de Bellas Artes de Valencia


1980 "Fine Arts student." City Council Chamber.

1987 "ARTISTS ALHAMA." Exhibition "V Centenario" - Casa de la culture de Alhama, Murcia.

1997 "Drawing and Painting" - Museum of Ceuta. Ministry of Education and Culture of the City Ceuta.

1998 "SIERRA LEONE AJUDA Solidaris" - Gallery d 'Art Viciana. Valencia.

"DOMUS PACIS" - Casal de la Pau. Bancarte. Valencia.

"Proyeccto ART 98" - Asindown Foundation. Palau de la Música. Valencia.

2001 "ART SHOW YOUNG. "Senior Center. Villarrobledo. (Albacete).

"Solidarity with the Third World." Municipal Beach Chamber of Valldigna Tavernes. Valencia.

2002 "16 SAMPLE OF PAINTING." Tarancón City. Cuenca.

2003 "Biennial XII." City Villarrobledo (Albacete).

2004 "EXPO-Solidaris II." Valldigna Tavern (Valencia).

2005 "ARTISTS VILLARROBLEDO." Carp Fair, Villarrobledo (AB)

2005 "mirror of ourselves." City Museum. Ayuntamiento de Valencia.

2006 "EXPO-Solidaris III Valldigna Tavern. Valencia

"STATEMENT OF PARTNERS 'Circle of Fine Arts Valencia. & Nbs p;

2007 "STATEMENT OF PARTNERS. Circle of Fine Arts Valencia


1976 "Museum of Failure." Ayuntamiento de Valencia.

1990 City Council Agüimes. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Neighborhood City Hall 1992. St. Lucia. (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria).

1999 Caja Rural de Torrente (Valencia).

2002 City Council Villarrobledo (Albacete).

2005 City of Paterna(Valencia)

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